Come receive prophetic prayers of edification, comfort and exhortation!

The Well is a time to simply hear God’s heart and mind towards you as you receive prayer from a prophetic team. God has unlimited thoughts toward us (Psalms 40:5, 139:18), therefore, there is inexhaustible encouragement available in God.

The Well is available in person on the first four Saturdays of the month. No appointment necessary for IN PERSON. All are welcome. Sign up opens at 5PM for in Person @ 1401 N. Lake Ave, Pasadena, CA.

Find appointments for Online Prayer below. For further information please contact,




Learn to hear God's voice for yourself! To join a Well prayer team, you must first take our Prophetic 101 class (formerly Intro to the Well). 

2025 Well In-Person

The Well, in-person, will no longer take appointments. Doors will open up at 5pm in 1401. Sign ups will be from 5p - 6:00p. Prayer starts at 6p. Please expect to wait. We will take guests on a first come, first serve basis. That just means you are taken in the order you are signed in, but that still means you will have to wait. Please understand that. We will only be taking the first 50 guests from now on. Our prayer room in 1403 is open with LIVE worship starting 12pm. Please enjoy your time ministering and being ministered to by Jesus as you wait. We want to serve each and everyone, but we will cut off sign ups at 6p or when reach 50 on the list, to give our volunteers a good time to end and rest, which is at latest 8:30p. Thank you all for you patience and understanding.

Sign up with our hosts in 1401 and they will assist you with a name tag and get you your buzzer for the evening. If you have questions, please contact us at

March 1 - CLOSED

March 8 - Open

March 15 - Open

March 22 - Open

March 29 - Open

We asks that our guests park at the Food 4 Less on Washington and Lake and walk over. Our address is 1401 and 1403 N Lake Ave, Pasadena Ca, 91104


The Well Online will still take registration from the button below. Only seven spots available per weekend, ONE online Well a year for each guest due to high demand and limited spots. Please refrain from signing up multiple times as you are taking away opportunity for new guests to get a spot for the month.

If you are wanting to be put on a waitlist just email along with your phone number to make that happen. We will have new registrations at the end of each month for the following month. i.e: 4th week of January we will post February registrations, and 4th week of February post March registrations.

We are based out of PASADENA, CALIFORNIA and all Well Online prayer spots go by PACIFIC STANDARD TIME (PST). We will send out your zoom links and information of your lead host the Friday evening before your respective Well Online/Saturday. the seven available spots start 6pm, 6:15pm, 6:30pm, 6:45pm, 7pm, 7:15pm and 7:30pm PST.