
Immanuel Prayer was developed by a Christian neuro-theologian and psychiatrist.  They found through their clinical practices that by utilizing time-tested biblical principles and the best of currently known brain sciences, how we can most easily enter the presence of God.

Immanuel means “God with us” and this promise is the foundation for Immanuel Prayer. Through this prayer approach, you can experience a two-way conversational lifestyle and thrive in the joy of daily communion.  Recipients will have 2-3 consecutive appointments bi-weekly.


Rather than one appointment, Immanuel prayer is best received in consecutive appointments. Recipients of Immanuel Prayer will have 2-3 consecutive appointments bi-weekly.


To make an appointment, please email immanuelprayer@pihop.com

We are currently taking apprenticeship applications for male facilitators.

If you are interested in applying please submit your application below